Aaah, balloons have been popping up all over fashion shoots and editorials over the past couple of years, and this fun phenomenon doesn't seem to be losing any helium, er steam. These colorful globes on shiny strings always lend a super playful and party atmosphere to any scene. I just love a plain horizon filled with balloons of all different colors, as long as I don't have to stand next to them. I'll never forget how I once drove home with a car full of balloons and my cousin in the passenger seat, his face squashed flat under blue and white inflatables. With the windows rolled down and fighting for a view of the gorgeous sunshine, the balloons started to pop one by one as I sped through traffic as fast as I could safely get us home with at least three whole balloons in tact.....

Photos courtesy of vogue.com , sarahkaye.com, stylecaster.com, Vogue China lacouturiernyc.wordpress.com, French Vogue couturecarrie.blogspot.com, dailymail.co.uk, fashionologie.com, greenmystyle.com, Stella McCartney style.com, Vogue China theunemployedstylist.blogspot.com, Vintage cocokelley.blogspot.com