Saturday, things I did...

What I did on my saturday:
1. got a blurry picture taken with my mom
(photo courtesy of one very camera-loving, 4 year old)
2. cleaned toilets
3. slipped and fell in my bathroom (because someone poured hand & cuticle oil on the floor.....hmmmmm)
4. ate cupcakes with my mama
5. drove to hike with my mom and it was raining (when we got back down the hill the sun came out...ha ha ha)
6. took pictures of myself in the bathroom (for my daily picture...ha ha ha)
7. had a chocolate milkshake with sprinkles
8. went to Trader Joe's to buy some food with mama
(what was in my shopping cart: cucumbers, pineapple, string cheese, milk, dried green beans, almond milk-for my hemp shakes, butter, because I used it up making icing, and grapes)
9. watched the videos of those guys doing the KANDEE JOHNSON dance with my mom and laughing soooooo hard......
here it is in case you missed funny!
10. hugged my mama......I miss her so much! She brings happiness to my heart....
I love you momsie!